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Oral Cancer Screening

A medical professional holding a commemorative cancer ribbon. Oral cancer screening is a procedure that should occur before any symptoms of oral cancer start to show. This is a precautionary activity and can be done during any dental appointments by our team of dental professionals This procedure is fast and is the same duration of time you take while brushing your teeth, that is, two minutes. The screening is usually very comprehensive, so you need not worry. Often when you screen yourself, you may not consider some areas, but our team of dental professionals will catch those areas you may miss. It reassures you that there are no apparent problems and ensures early treatment if needed. We screen your sinuses, larynx, pharynx, and throat. At Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation, our dental team offers thorough oral cancer screenings to assure you and put your mind at ease.

Issues that Oral cancer screening addresses

The main thing that is being looked out for when screening your mouth is the signs of oral cancer. Cancer can oftentimes be caused by several factors such as the use of tobacco, drugs, regular consumption of alcohol, or even having a past occurrence of oral cancer. Spending too much time under the sun without UV protection can also lead to lip cancer. It is important to avoid these things as much as possible to avoid mouth cancer from developing. If you are at high risk of oral cancer, you should have screenings done regularly.

How is an Oral Cancer Screening Performed?

There are numerous types of equipment that can be used to conduct this screening. However, they do not always have to be used as the examination is predominantly visual. An oral brush biopsy can be used to remove cells without any pain for testing. Our dentist can also perform a physical oral assessment using light to identify any cancerous cells. We may also perform an oral lesion screening that involves a mouth rinse to help with a visual inspection of your tissues in the mouth.

Our dentist will conduct the screening primarily using their fingers to feel the tissues in your mouth, around your tongue, and even your tongue itself. The dentist will also check on the saliva in your mouth by visual inspection, particularly the saliva around any spot that is excessively pigmented. The screening is oftentimes very short but if our dentist finds an area of concern more tests may follow.

What next after Oral Cancer screening?

If our dentist suspects anything after your screening, you may be given a follow-up appointment to observe how it progresses in a week. A biopsy may be done as well. It is good if our team can catch the signs early on to give you more treatment options. However, we advise our patients not to worry as some spots and lumps are not cancerous at all.

Getting an oral cancer screening is important as it can help start treatment early. If you have any worries about oral cancer visit us at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation to find out more or get scheduled for an oral cancer screening. Feel free to reach out to us at (657) 822-0328 to schedule your appointment.
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Oral Cancer Screening | Orange, CA Dentist | Dr. Charlie Hsieh, DDS
At Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation, our dental team offers thorough oral cancer screenings to assure you and put your mind at ease.
Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation - Dr. Charlie Hsieh, 805 W. La Veta Ave. Suite # 208, Orange, CA 92868, (657) 822-0328,, 2/15/2025, Associated Words: orange ca dentist Orange CA,