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Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation

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Orange, CA Dentist

A set of dentures on a table with dental tools and a dentist's hand surrounding it. Dentures provide a reliable solution for missing teeth. Often, patients who come to us at ask about dentures to see if they are a viable solution for their specific dental needs. And with any dental solution, you have pros and cons. Our dental team helps determine whether or not dentures will work for you. Your suitability for dentures will largely depend on your goals and lifestyle. You can wear these dental appliances to improve your bite function and appearance.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are the replacement teeth used to cover the gaps between two or more missing teeth. The two ordinary types of dentures are complete and partial. Our dentist will help determine the kind of dentures you need to wear.

Types of Dentures

We provide temporary dentures during the time you are undergoing a procedure to replace your missing teeth. These temporaries allow you to have a natural smile while you wait for bridges or implants to be completed. Temporary dentures are a great solution when you have a knocked-out tooth.

Partial dentures are an option if you have a few missing teeth. These dentures are held in place using a plastic base of the same color as the gums. Our team will use a metal framework to secure the base and prevent the denture from falling out. Thus, if you have your natural teeth, it is not possible to have a full set. Therefore, a partial set makes a better choice.

If all the teeth are missing, you will need complete or full dentures to replace them. With improvements in denture technology, complete dentures are more comfortable and offer a natural look.

The Procedure

You are required to visit our dental office several times for the procedure to be complete. First, the dentist determines the best approach to use by measuring your jaw structures, creating models, casting the final dentures, and finally making adjustments where it is necessary.

Our implant specialist will determine what dentures you should receive to achieve your goals. For complete dentures, whereby you need the remaining damaged teeth to be removed, you can receive them after the gums heal.

Often, it takes about eight to 12 weeks following the teeth removal to get your complete set of dentures. After teeth removal, your gums and bones will begin shrinking. When you wait for about 12 weeks, you are sure the set will fit securely. If you prefer not to wait for the later dentures, you can get immediate ones. Therefore, you will not have to go through the waiting period, however, you will have to come back to our office for adjustments later on after your bone and gums have settled into their desired, permanent size.

Are There Alternatives to Dentures?

Dentures can be replaced by dental implants, which are used to hold the bridges. Dental implants create permanent stability for the teeth.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures help protect the remaining teeth from excessive wear. They enhance your bite function. Wearing dentures eliminates the social awkwardness you have due to missing teeth or gaps.

Are There Complications Related to Dentures?

It may take some time to get used to the shape of the denture in your mouth. Eating with dentures may be difficult for some patients for the first few weeks. Dentures change the way you speak and you may feel like you are pronouncing some words differently. But you should be accustomed to wearing them after some time.

How Long Are Dentures Supposed to Be Worn?

The dentist will advise you on the time required to wear your dentures and when to remove them. You are recommended for the first few weeks to wear them throughout the day, only removing them when you sleep. Your new dentures may take some getting used to, but you will slowly get used to them.

Do you need dentures? Visit our office at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation. Give us a call at (657) 822-0328 to book an appointment for a consultation.
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Dentures | Orange, CA Dentist | Dr. Charlie Hsieh, DDS
Restore your smile with custom dentures at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation in Orange, CA. Comfortable, natural-looking solutions for missing teeth.
Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation - Dr. Charlie Hsieh, 805 W. La Veta Ave. Suite # 208, Orange, CA 92868; (657) 822-0328;; 2/18/2025; Associated Words: orange ca dentist Orange CA;