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Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation

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Root Canals

A rendering of a mouth highlighting the root of a tooth. When you have a tooth that is infected, the infection may spread to attack the center part of the tooth, known as the dental pulp. In the pulp, there are nerves, blood vessels, as well as connective tissues, all of which are sensitive areas of the tooth. If this core part is infected, it can be extremely painful, prompting you to seek timely treatment. At Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation, we regularly do root canal endodontic treatment to help remove infection and save your teeth.

A root canal is a procedure needed to remove an infected or swollen softer inner part of a tooth known as the pulp. A crack of a tooth, a routine dental procedure on a nearby tooth, and decaying of the tooth can damage the pulp. The most common symptoms of pulp damage are sensitivity or swelling of the gums, deep decay, and cracked teeth. In the majority of cases, our dentist will perform the procedure while you are under anesthesia.

Is a Root Canal painful?

Root canals are not painful, as the procedure can now be conducted using anesthesia to remove any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The anesthesia numbs the gums and tooth that is being worked on, ensuring little or no discomfort during the surgery.

When is a Root Canal needed?

A root canal is needed when you start to feel pain and severe sensitivity to the teeth, especially when taking hot and cold substances. Often, the gums begin to swell, so you start experiencing pain. If the soft inner area of a tooth is swollen, infected, inflamed, or injured, a root canal may be an option. Often, the outer structure of the tooth may remain intact even though the pulp is damaged. By removing the damaged or dead pulp, it helps preserve your tooth. You may avoid a tooth extraction if you are a candidate for a root canal.

Benefits of Root Canals

The procedure for a root canal is primarily painless and mostly leaves you comfortable even after the treatment. Our dentist performs the surgery under anesthesia to allow you to have the area adequately numbed to prevent any discomfort or pain. A root canal is more cost-effective than other procedures such as tooth removal, which requires more of your time to the dentist before the final procedure. Not to mention, a root canal can save you from losing your tooth!

Procedure for Root Canals

A root canal procedure is an endodontic treatment that works by drilling a hole in the tooth to reach the affected dental pulp. Our dentist removes the affected areas, oftentimes, including the roots. The tooth root is needed for sensations like cold and hot as well as for tooth growth. When your teeth are fully matured, taking away the roots does not directly cause harm to the tooth. However, it can prevent the spread of infection. Therefore, when it is necessary to get the roots out, we promptly do so. We clean the area, ensuring the infection is gone.

Our dentist will examine the affected tooth and the surrounding area. The tooth will be cleaned and you will be placed under anesthesia. Next, the dentist will shape the canal prior to filling the hole. Finally, the dentist will provides antibiotics to help eliminate any remaining infection. It takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the scale of damage.

After Root Canal Procedure

You are left to go home to continue recovering from the procedure as you take the antibiotics. Once you heal, you will make a visit to our office to get a dental crown. Crowning of teeth is recommended if you had severe tooth decay or if you had a root canal for the molars or teeth at the back of your mouth.

Do you need a root canal treatment? Visit our office at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation. Give us a call at (657) 822-0328 to book an appointment for a consultation.
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Root Canal | Orange, CA Dentist | Dr. Charlie Hsieh, DDS
At Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation, we regularly do root canal endodontic treatment to help remove infection and save your teeth!
Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation - Dr. Charlie Hsieh, 805 W. La Veta Ave. Suite # 208, Orange, CA 92868 - (657) 822-0328 - - 2/16/2025 - Page Keywords: orange ca dentist Orange CA -