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Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation

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Orange, CA Dentist

Image of a woman sitting at a dental office grasping their jaw in pain. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) functions like a hinge that allows you to move your jaw up and down and sideways for eating, talking, or even yawning. Problems that arise with the muscles in your mouth and your jaw are called temporomandibular disorders (TMD). If you need these problems to be fixed, our dentist at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation can help.

What causes TMD?

There are no known causes of TMD, although dentists say that the problems arise from difficulty with the muscles of the jaws to move. The muscles in the jaws are essential. An injury can cause the forces to stop working, leading to TMD. Other causes include stress that will cause you to tighten your face, hindering the jaw muscles from working effectively, having arthritis in the joint, clenching your teeth, and creating pressure on the jaw muscles.

Symptoms of TMD

TMD causes discomfort and severe pain. It might affect both sides of the face, affecting women more, especially those between the ages of 20 and 40. The symptoms include swelling on the front of the face, pain in the jaw joint, trouble while chewing, and difficulty opening your mouth wide. Other symptoms include headache, neck pain, dizziness, and hearing problems.

How TMD is diagnosed

When patients come to our office, we look at the symptoms they have. Pain and tenderness on the face, neck, shoulders, and jaw joint area may indicate TMD. If you have pain in or around your ear when you speak, open your mouth, or chew, it could signal issues with the temporomandibular joint. Sometimes, you may have stuck or locked jaws when the mouth is closed or open. Our TMD specialist will examine your mouth, ask you questions, and inquire about your past medical history. The dentist performs a physical exam to check the jaw joints for tenderness and pain or listen for grating sounds, pops, and clicks when moving the jaws. A full-face x-ray imaging may be performed. Our dentist works closely with our maxillofacial surgeon to plan the right treatment.

Treatments for TMD

Depending on your TMD symptoms, our dentist will recommend what treatments work for you. You may need to apply moist heat or cold packs if the dentist approves them. Other treatment options available include medications, a nightguard or a splint, and dental work like dentures, dental bridges, dental crowns, and braces. If surgery is recommended you may receive an arthroscopy, usually done using a unique tool with lens and light. Open-joint surgery is also another option. You will discuss the treatment options with the dentist. Moreover, the dentist might suggest anti-anxiety medication to relieve stress. Other treatments that might help are ultrasound, trigger-point injections, and radio wave therapy.

Can TMJ affect the Teeth and Gums?

The disorder causes severe damage to teeth and the gums by throwing off their arrangement. It usually leads to pain and weakness in the gums. TMD makes the teeth more sensitive and brittle. It makes the teeth and gums susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.

To alleviate your jaw pain, visit us at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation or call our office at (657) 822-0328 for more information. We are here to help you with any questions you may have.
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TMJ | Orange, CA Dentist | Dr. Charlie Hsieh, DDS
Find relief from TMJ disorders at Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation in Orange, CA. Dental care to ease jaw pain, improve function, and restore comfort.
Charlie Hsieh Dental Corporation - Dr. Charlie Hsieh, 805 W. La Veta Ave. Suite # 208, Orange, CA 92868 \ (657) 822-0328 \ \ 2/16/2025 \ Key Phrases: orange ca dentist Orange CA \